Car key stuck in the ignition – what to do about it!

Automotive issues can be scary as well as stressful. We have our cars for a reason and when we can’t operate them to go to work or to take the kids to school, the feelings of frustration can be overwhelming. Keys stuck in the car’s ignition are a good example. You jump in the car, all ready to go somewhere. Maybe you have a much anticipated date with that special someone. Or, you might be on the way to a job interview that you’ve really prepared for. Maybe you are just going out for pizza or to buy groceries. The point is that you have the car to go places and suddenly you can’t! This is because your key is stuck in the ignition and while it won’t turn to start the car; neither will it come back out! Here at Wilmette Locksmith we deal with automotive lock and key issues on a regular basis and stuck ignition keys is one that we get calls about on a regular basis.

Stay calm

Easy to say; hard to do! Our Wilmette, IL community is interspersed among dozens of others nearby. We need our cars for convenient and needed transportation to work, recreation, family needs, medical, entertainment and more. A stuck car key can throw off our planned schedules and even our budgets so it’s hard to remain calm during incidents like these. Here’s where staying calm and gathering your wits is vital. Rushing to remove the key often leads to breakage. Sure, keys are made of metal but they aren’t indestructible and applying too much force to remove it from the ignition can break it in half. Now, you have compounded your problem! You not only need key extraction, but also new key duplication and programming since it most likely is a transponder key.

Anger, surprise and fear often cause panic and this can lead to key breakage as well as rash decisions. Many automatically call for a mechanic or AAA emergency help thinking that this is their only option; it’s not. There are a few things that you can try on your own to release your key. We recommend that you try these first – you might just save yourself a lot of stress and money in the process!

Apply your brake!

Before you make any adjustments, apply your parking brake! This simple directive is important! Many people and pets are injured and even killed every year when cars accidentally roll forward or backwards on to them while the driver was momentarily distracted. Use your hand brake and be on the safe side. Now that your brake is on, check your gear. Are you in PARK? Be sure! If you are in the wrong gear, modern cars are built to hold your key tightly until you are. If your gear is in DRIVE or NEUTRAL, your ignition key will not be released. Brake first, then be double sure that you are in PARK. Did that release your key? If not, we’ll move on to the next tip.

Wiggle that steering wheel

One little known stuck key remedy is to wiggle your steering wheel. It’s true – some cars lock the steering wheel into place when it is leaned upon too heavily. This action also locks the ignition key into place where it won’t turn or even come back out. All that is needed is to move the steering wheel firmly back and forth to unlock it. This action should be enough to release your ignition key.

Check your battery

Your car’s battery may be the problem. Try checking it. First, apply your brake if you haven’t already. Next, try using your headlights or your car radio. Do they work? If so, your battery is most likely, not the problem. A drained battery can interfere in your transponder key transmission. This works by radio signal from your key to your car’s onboard computer. When this signal is recognized, your car is allowed to start. When your car’s battery is low there is not sufficient power to send the right signal and your ignition will grasp the key and not allow the car to start. You are not limited to headlights and radio; try moving your power windows up or down, applying your windshield wipers or seeing if your dashboard lights work.

Mistaken identity

Not you – your key! Did you insert the right one? At first, this question sounds ridiculous. Of course you inserted the right key; how could you not? Actually, it’s easy to grab the wrong transponder key by mistake. If you live or work with other drivers, it’s easy to grab a similar looking key and use it to try and start your car. Naturally, your car won’t recognize this key and it might hold on to it as a safety precaution. Just because keys go in doesn’t mean that they come back out just as easily.

Key blockage

If there is blockage in the ignition that prevents your key from moving within the cylinder, then it’s very possible that your key will become stuck. The culprit is usually debris or dirt inside the ignition cylinder. In this case, try lubricating your car key with WD 40. Don’t overdo it; a little goes a long way. If your key is lubricated enough to come back out be sure to schedule your car for an ignition cleaning at first chance.

Locksmith help

We recommend that you call a full service automotive locksmith for help if none of these methods work for you. Car ignitions are much like large locks in their internal mechanisms. Established locksmiths will have no trouble diagnosing the problem and getting right to the solution; quickly and affordably. Also, locksmiths are mobile and will come to you. This eliminates tow fees or waiting around at a mechanic’s shop for repair. Lastly, your locksmith should offer 24-hour emergency service in case you need your car soon for whatever reasons.